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Supporting Your Child at Home

In St Charles' Primary & LCR we actively encourage the involvement of parents in the educational development of your children.
We believe that children can achieve more at school when their family and friends take an interest in their school and schoolwork. Getting involved in your child’s education, even in the simplest way, shows that you care about their school life. Often, the more supported a child feels at home, the more effectively she or he will learn at school. Whatever your lifestyle, or family situation, it is never too soon (or too late) to start helping a child develop a positive attitude towards learning.

There are many ways you can get involved:

  • Helping your child with homework
  • Asking them what they are learning in school
  • Commenting on your child's work on Seesaw 
  • Reading our newsletters and curriculum newsletters
  • Accompanying us on trips
  • Lending us your expertise in subjects related to the curriculum
  • Supporting the Parent Council 
  • Attending school events: curricular workshops, coffee mornings, sports day, assemblies etc
  • Informing us of any relevant issues that may be affecting your child in school
  • Attending Parents' Evening appointments 
  • Completing feedback forms when they are issued. These help us improve our provision for your child.

You will find more information on how best to support your child's learning here: Supporting Your Child’s Learning

There are some great homework help websites you can use.  There are links below!


Useful Websites

Tiny Happy People 

Tiny Happy People is here to help you develop your child's language skills. Explore their simple activities and play ideas and find out about babies and toddlers' amazing early development.

Words for Life

A website specifically designed for parents. It provides information on expected milestones, tips and fun activities to do with your child to support their speech, language and communication. You can also find the words and actions for many nursery rhymes and

Parent Club

Parent Club offers up-to-date guidance from the Scottish Government on your child’s health and education. It’s full of hints and tips from other parents and carers who’ve been there before. It also has advice to help you look after your own wellbeing and to point you in the direction of the support available.

Parenting across Scotland

Parenting across Scotland is a partnership of charities which offers support to children and families in Scotland. They work with parents to focus on parenting issues and to help realise a Scotland where all parents and families are valued and supported to give children the best possible start in life.

Scottish Autism

Scottish Autism is an organisation dedicated to enabling autistic people to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. They exist to help those diagnosed with autism to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives and be recognised as valued members of the community they live in.

They also seek to share their knowledge and expertise with parents, carers and other professionals in order to support the development of skills and strategies needed to provide the best care and support for autistic people.

Parentzone Scotland

Parentzone Scotland is a unique website for parents and carers in Scotland, from early years to beyond school. The website provides up-to-date information about learning in Scotland, and practical advice and ideas to support children’s learning at home in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and science. Information is also available on Parentzone Scotland regarding additional support needs, how parents can get involved in their child’s school and education. Furthermore, the website has details about schools including performance data for school leavers from S4-S6; and links to the national, local authority and school level data on the achievement of Curriculum for Excellence levels.


Enquire is a national advice service for families with additional support needs.